The other morning I had orange juice for the first time in ages! Y'know, when I'm 'on a diet' I don't drink juice at all. Why waste 'Points'/calories on non-alcoholic drinks?! I can have water or black coffee or tea with skimmed milk or diet coke. It must have been several years since I had orange juice. I'm not a really big juice fan or anything, but it was very nice! I only had one glass, a moderately small one. Then a few days later I met The Hubby after work,
and really didn't want coffee, it was only a couple of hours since my last break, and I'd had coffee then. Normally I'd have diet coke (I resent what places charge for bottled water, and, well you can't just order a glass of tap water, that'd be really tight!), but that's caffeine too. Then I remembered I could have whatever I wanted! I toyed with the idea of a nice glass of red wine, but it was only 5pm and that seemed a little indecent, so I had a strawberry smoothie. We were going out to eat later, so it kept me full till then. I must try to remember I'm not limited anymore to either calorie free soft drinks/coffee, or alcohol.

It's amazing what you've internally 'banned' isn't it. Even worse, it's daft that what you don't allow yourself on one diet you can have in unlimited quantities on another.
I've started drinking gallons of mineral water since I can't indulge in glasses of wine or cider. I'm finding it so refreshing compared to lemonade and I don't resent buying it as much as plain water.
I've become a real fan of smoothies too since I've allowed myself them (they squished fruit so couldn't eat them under SW or WW!).
There were always endless discussions on the WW boards about whether smoothies were 'allowed' as a snack on 'Core Plan'. My most often used comment was 'is anyone going to come round your house and check?!'
I'm enjoying allowing myself the odd glass or 2 of red wine now, and although I still prefer black coffee or water most of the time, it's nice to know there is life after diet coke!! Maybe a smoothie has more calories, but it also has a whole helluva lot less chemicals. and even some nutritional value!!
How fantastic that you can now indulge in beautiful, healthy and really tasty smoothies and juices!! I love visiting smoothie bars. I love your photo by the way - you look GREAT!!!!!
How fantastic that you can now indulge in beautiful, healthy and really tasty smoothies and juices!! I love visiting smoothie bars. I love your photo by the way - you look GREAT!!!!!
Thanks again Janey! That was last October, my hair's a lot longer now, but I haven't got any good recent ones.
I've been having nectarine and blueberry smoothies for my breakfast this week, yum!
Do y'know I've given up drinking diet coke since getting pregnant, not purposefully, it just happened as I had a glass and it made me feel sick.
You're right though, much better to be drinking smoothies than coke! I've become a real fan of sparkling mineral water, just the 17p a bottle stuff from the supermarkets but since i no longer drink much wine, it feels a bit nicer than lemonade and is more refreshing.
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