The sun shone today, how wonderful. Isn't it funny how something as out of our control as the weather can have such a profound effect on our mood. It even changes the way we see ourselves in the mirror doesn't it? You know that stupid, stupid thing that happens, where you look in the mirror and you think you look OK, and then you look again a day, or half a day, or even half an hour, later, and suddenly you look hideous!! You KNOW you haven't changed, physically. Neither has your mirror. You aren't even necessarily wearing different clothes. It's not rational, is it? But it happens. And when the sun shines and you look in the mirror, you look a bit better, because you feel a bit better.
Anyway, after a lovely breakfast of scrambled eggs on gluten-free toast (with butter!) with The Hubby this morning I set off through town (called at the lingerie sale in M&S on the way, and also picked up some lunch) to catch a bus out to a place called Whirlow Hall Farm, which is on the outskirts, and
where you can pick your own fruit. I made a £1 donation per punnet and headed off for the fields. I was a bit over-optimistic and paid for 4. I ate my lunch between the raspberry canes, in the sun. After my hour crawling around (never any midgets or willing toddlers around when you need 'em!) looking under bushes, I had 1 (ONE!) punnet of mixed fruit (gooseberries, blackcurrants, strawberries and raspberries). It's a charitable trust so I didn't bother to ask for my money back, they can't help the dreadful weather anyway, and I bought half a dozen eggs as well. It was 3pm when I set off, and the bus back to town (only one an hour on a Sunday) was due at 3.50 so I walked for about half an hour till I got to a place with more buses.

Back home, I set about the fruit with some apples and a nectarine and some sugar, and have just produced the most delicious crumble! I can't remember the last time I had crumble - being 'on a diet' rather precludes things like crumble, unless you are doing WW 'Core' and fancy making it from crushed All Bran - why would anyone ever want to do that?! I made MY topping with polenta, ground almonds and gluten-free plain flour, with real butter, and brown sugar. I think I ate rather too much, and am bemoaning the fact I haven't room for any more. It might be prudent to hide a portion, as The Boy and The Hubby both had 2 helpings at dinner and are likely to finish it off later after I've gone to bed.

First course was spaghetti with 'meatballs'. Sosmix (a dry packet mix you rehydrate with water and then shape as required, for those who don't know it) balls cooked in a sauce made from tinned cherry tomatoes (plum or chopped will do), an onion sauteed in oil, fresh thyme, green beans and sundried tomatoes. No need to fry the sosmix , it cooks like dumplings in the sauce. I had a couple of slices of yesterday's lentil bake with mine instead of spaghetti, because gluten-free pasta is a crime against humanity! We also had salad. I'm feeling a little bit stuffed now!
So, I didn't manage to be so mindful with that meal, it was just too, too delicious! But I did resist having seconds of pudding, which I REALLY wanted, because I was already feeling a bit uncomfortable. No point in being cross with myself, I went out and picked the bloody fruit, and walked miles into the bargain!
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