Thursday, 26 July 2007

M&S New Potatoes and some Soup.

I bought some Organic New Potoatoes in M&S the other day. They were quite expensive (but cheaper than a Mojito, which is what happens if I go left when I leave work) but they had kindly washed them ready for me to use. Anyway, on (once again) to soup. Because it's easy and I'm lazy.

To make Celeriac and Potato Soup you will need:
1 large Celeriac
A few potatoes (I used 6 small M&S ready washed New Potatoes, you can use dirty common ones if you must)
A medium onion, or 2 small ones, or even a large one, it makes little odds.
Some sort of stock flavouring (cube or powder, unless you're really fussy and want to use real stock, in which case you need to get out more).
Salt and pepper
Some oil (Extra virgin Olive oil is not, obviously, necessary!)
A machete.

Chop the onion, fry it till it's see through in the oil. Meanwhile, imagine that the celeriac is the head of the person you loathe most in the world and run at it with the machete and give it a thorough killing. Chop it into cubes about the size of a cube. There is no other way to get into a celeriac. Add the celeriac cubes and the potato (also cubed - and washed, if you're common) to the onions in the pan. Fry them for a bit then cover them with water. Put the lid on the pan and turn the heat down and cook it all till the celeriac and potatoes are soft. Put the soup in the blender (not all at once, unless you want it on the ceiling - remember the teatowel protection against facial scarring!). Whizz till smooth. Taste the soup and add stuff till it tastes the way you'd like it to taste. I added some salt, some pepper and a smidge of powdered cumin.

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