This is sooo easy..... The instructions are on the packet, but my way is EVEN easier!Buy a bag of Doves Farm Spelt Flour (that's spelt Spelt). It doesn't have to be Doves Farm, that's just the one I've got. Chuck half of it in a big bowl. Add half a teaspoon of salt. In a jug or somesuch, put 14floz of warm water (that's 400ml for all you under 35's) and add a good squirt/a teaspoon of honey and a little packet of instant yeast. Add 3 tablespoons of olive oil (or other oil if your Daughter has used all the Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil on her supernoodles). I just used a tiny trickle of Olive Oil and some Grapeseed oil. Mix it all for about 1 minute with a wooden spoon. Forget what it says on the packet about 15 minutes vigorous mixing - take it from the laziest cook in the world, it's NOT necessary! Slop the whole lot out onto a greased baking tray, poke it into a vague roundness, and cover it with a (clean) teatowel. Leave it alone for about half an hour. Go and play on the computer. Put it in the oven on 180/370/Gas 4 (not all of them at once, that would be too hot) and bake it for about 30 minutes. Take the teatowel off first, they do burn so! Take it out, put it on a cooling rack and put the cooling rack on the table because there's no point in waiting any longer, now is there? Have it with some soup. I am doing Celeriac and Potato (cos I got a huge Celeriac in my veg delivery this week) and Lentil and Tomato cos The Husband HATES celery so I figured he probably won't like celeriac either. If they turn out OK I'll tell you about them later.This bread is, of course, not gluten-free (no bread worth eating ever is) but it's a bit easier to manage than ordinary wheat bread and worth a little farting if you're not going out!
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