I really fancied fried potatoes tonight, so I had to nip into M&S, as I knew there weren't any spuds at home. Of course, I had to buy a 3 pack of organic creme fraiche desserts and a big jar of olives and some double cream as well, seeing as I was there and it'd be silly not to, but I managed to resist a new bikini!
Anyway, on the bus on the way home I mentally searched the fridge and found some courgettes and 2 halves of peppers, which, when I got in, were still there in actuality as The Daughter is away and The Hubby and The Boy won't cook a vegetable that doesn't come out of a tin. So, here's what I made:
First I chopped the potatoes (there were 8 middle-sized ones, no reason) into cubes and boiled them till they were done. Then I drained them.
I heated some olive oil in my big stainless steel frying pan (because you shouldn't put tomatoey things in your non-sticks, they take the coating off!) and cooked half a chili in it for a while, quite low. Then I added a small chopped onion and 2 chopped cloves of garlic and whooshed it all around for a bit till the onion was nice and soft. Then I added half a bag of quorn pieces, cos that's what I'd got, but you could add chickpeas, or even chicken, if you must. Then I removed the chili half, and put in the peppers and courgettes, chopped. I added maybe 3 or 4 oily sun dried tomatoes (the tomatoey element of which I spoke), chopped up, and a sprinkle of veg stock powder and about half a tsp of smoky paprika, oh, and a sploosh of water. No idea how much, but not a right lot.

After that I did get the big nonstick frying pan out, and I heated some more olive oil and some butter in it, and chucked in the leaves from a couple of stalks of fresh rosemary, then the drained potatoes, and some sea salt. Then I fried them till they were nice and crispy and brown.
Then I chucked the fried potatoes in the pan with the veg and quorn and mixed it around. Me and The Boy had some rinsed capers and a few of the big fat olives in ours, but I didn't put any in The Hubby's as he is a philistine and doesn't like em! Delicious!
1 comment:
Mm, sounds good. I'll add your blog to my list later today. Great to see you posting too!
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