Monday, 30 July 2007
What'll it be?

Sunday, 29 July 2007
What I did today...

Saturday, 28 July 2007
Lentil and Cheese Loaf

300g Red Lentils
1 medium onion
2 garlic cloves
2 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground cardamom
200g mature cheddar
1 egg, beaten
Salt and pepper
Rinse the lentils, place in a pan and cover with water. Bring to the boil, lower the heat and cook for about 15 minutes or until soft, adding a little more water if necessary.
Meanwhile, fry the chopped onion and the crushed garlic in the oil in another pan, and add the ground spices, stirring to prevent sticking.
Tip the onions and spices into the lentils, season well with salt and pepper and stir in the grated cheese and beaten egg and mix well.
Line a 2lb loaf tin with greaseproof paper, oil, and pour the lentil mixture in.
Bake at 200º for 30 minutes.
Remove from the oven and allow to cool until set.
Turn out onto a plate and serve sliced.
Friday, 27 July 2007
I never worried about my weight or size until after I had my second child (he's now nearly 16!), when I did get quite large, for me. It was at that point that I went on my 'first ever proper diet'. I did Rosemary Conley's Hip and Thigh diet, and cooked a lot of things with soya mince and no oils. I was a vegan at the time. I think I've pretty much either been on or 'off' a diet ever since, and we all know that being 'off' a diet is temporary, so you cram as much food enjoyment into that short window of opportunity as you possibly can! I gave up veganism when my son was about 7, so in came a whole host of new and extra things I could eat and feel bad about afterwards. Snickers bars were a favourite for a while! (I don't think I could eat one if you paid me these days!!).
Anyway, I've done Weight Watchers (on at least 3 separate occasions), and am proficient at both the Points and Core plans, and I've tried Slimmer Club UK (calorie counting) and Slimming World (how can a diet where you can eat Smash as a snack ever work?!), the South Beach and the Zone diets, the cabbage soup diet, Slimfast, and an online one called 'Sin and Slim' (!!). I had, until recently, one of the most comprehensive libraries of diet books in existence.
All this time I was nurturing a growing resentment. WHY? Why couldn't I eat normally? Why did I put on a pound a day whenever I came off my latest diet?! Food and all its aspects is one of my greatest pleasures! I love to cook, I love to shop for nice food, I love to read about food, I love to eat it! But I soooo wanted to be slim. The two things seemed totally incompatible. So if I wanted to be slim I would have to forgo my greatest pleasure. If I wanted to indulge that pleasure, I would have to put up with being fat!
Then I realised I was sick of dieting, really, really sick and fed up of it! I don’t need to lose weight for my health. I’m not overweight. It’s just vanity. I’m not stupid, I know I’ll never be skinny, no matter how much I diet. I’ll always have a well-padded bottom. And I don’t want to be skinny, anyway! I just want to be me, and have some fun, and maybe it would make more sense to try to change the way I feel about my body, than to try to change the body itself!
A couple of months ago I read an article in a magazine and saw a mention of Beyond Chocolate. It sparked an interest, so I had a look at the website. I'd never heard of intuitive eating before but what I was reading really struck a chord. I bought the book, and read it through, and I thought, “Yes!! This is what I’ve been groping for. I CAN do this!” And I gave away all my diet books and my Weight Watchers stuff, even the pretty little electronic Points calculator, because I’m never going to need those, ever again! I told everyone I know that I am never going to diet again. Now I feel so much happier and so free. And I HAVEN’T PUT ANY WEIGHT ON!
Sophie and Audrey, the ladies who wrote the Beyond Chocolate book, said that when you stop telling yourself that certain foods are forbidden, you free yourself from their power. YOU become in control. And it’s true! I keep chocolate in the same drawer where I used to hide it before, and mostly I don’t even eat it! Now I know I can have just a little square of proper cheese if I want, instead of extra low fat cream cheese, then if I really want, I’ll have just a little square. I can always have another later. NOT worrying about what I’m going to have for my lunch everyday is so wonderful. I can take something from home, or not. If not, then I can just go to M&S or wherever, and pick up something I fancy, and if that something is pudding, what the hell?!
This blog is going to be about my journey away from 15 years of serial dieting towards a normal, unfettered, relaxed relationship with food. It’s also going to be about my thoughts and feelings along the way. And it’s going to have my recipes in it, because making up recipes is my painting!
Thursday, 26 July 2007
Old stuff
This cake was effing gorgeous!!
150g brown and white sugar mixed, or just brown
150g butter
150g Glutano mix or flour or polenta
3 eggs
40g bashed walnuts
60g chopped dates
1tsp mixed spice
1tsp baking powder
1 tsp Orange Flower Water or more to taste.
Cream together butter and sugar. Beat together eggs.
Add eggs to butter/sugar, and whisk.
Add flour/polenta, walnuts, dates, spice and baking powder and mix well.
Add Orange Flower water and mix well.
Line 8" tin with greaseproof, and oil or butter.
Pour in mix.
Bake at about 180 for about 30 – 40 minutes. Cover with foil if necessary to prevent the top burning.
Test with a skewer to see if it's done.
Turn out onto a cooling rack, remove the greaseproof, turn the right way up and cool.
Scraping the Bottom of the Tagine
Another soup (I know this is backwards!).
2. Phone your daughter from work at 4pm and tell her to put the oven on, cut the squash into 4, rub it with some olive oil and roast it in the oven for approx 45 mins.
3. Buy some onions and nice bread from M&S (after all, the squash was 39p!).
4. Remember to go straight home from work. Do not go to a bar for cocktails first. IT'S ONLY TUESDAY FOR GOODNESS SAKE!
5. Fry the onions in some olive oil, add a diced big potato (that's a big potato, not big dice) and some floppy bits of veg from the bottom of the fridge.
6. Add about a litre of stock. Cook till the potato is soft.
7. Meanwhile scrape the squash flesh from the skin - your daughter can eat the skin, it's nice.
8. Put the nice M&S bread in the oven to warm up so you can pretend you've made it yourself.
9. Add the squash to the rest of the soup stuff and liquidise it. Put a tea towel over the blender or you will be spending the night in casualty and the rest of 2007 having plastic surgery to your face. Taste it (the soup, not the tea towel) and see if it needs anything, like some marmite, or paprika, or whatever.
10. Serve. If you don't eat bread (like me) and are too disorganised (like me) to have any gluten-free in (because M&S don't sell that!) you can dip slices of cheese in, that's very nice!
11. Follow with an M&S toffee mousse but make your children eat kiwi fruit because you've got 7 as they just keep coming in the organic veg delivery!
Next week - what to do with all those non-ripening Avocados you've collected from your organic veg deliveries!
NB. If you don't have a blender, you can use a potato masher, or so I was told by the colleague I sat next to on the bus home. If you don't have a daughter, you can borrow mine. She will bring her own knife, but will need supervising with gas ovens.
M&S New Potatoes and some Soup.
To make Celeriac and Potato Soup you will need:
1 large Celeriac
A few potatoes (I used 6 small M&S ready washed New Potatoes, you can use dirty common ones if you must)
A medium onion, or 2 small ones, or even a large one, it makes little odds.
Some sort of stock flavouring (cube or powder, unless you're really fussy and want to use real stock, in which case you need to get out more).
Salt and pepper
Some oil (Extra virgin Olive oil is not, obviously, necessary!)
A machete.
Chop the onion, fry it till it's see through in the oil. Meanwhile, imagine that the celeriac is the head of the person you loathe most in the world and run at it with the machete and give it a thorough killing. Chop it into cubes about the size of a cube. There is no other way to get into a celeriac. Add the celeriac cubes and the potato (also cubed - and washed, if you're common) to the onions in the pan. Fry them for a bit then cover them with water. Put the lid on the pan and turn the heat down and cook it all till the celeriac and potatoes are soft. Put the soup in the blender (not all at once, unless you want it on the ceiling - remember the teatowel protection against facial scarring!). Whizz till smooth. Taste the soup and add stuff till it tastes the way you'd like it to taste. I added some salt, some pepper and a smidge of powdered cumin.
Roman Army Bread

Mmmm Tofu!
Meanwhile, in another frying pan, heat some more olive oil and fry a block of smoked tofu cut into thinnish slices till it's brown on both sides. Sprinkle it with salt and pepper and lemon juice and serve it on top of the veg. You can have some bread and butter with it if like – hell you can have a bucket of lard with it if you want. But don't.
It takes about 20 minutes from start to finish and it's yummy!
Tuesday, 24 July 2007
Spanish style supper.
I really fancied fried potatoes tonight, so I had to nip into M&S, as I knew there weren't any spuds at home. Of course, I had to buy a 3 pack of organic creme fraiche desserts and a big jar of olives and some double cream as well, seeing as I was there and it'd be silly not to, but I managed to resist a new bikini!
Anyway, on the bus on the way home I mentally searched the fridge and found some courgettes and 2 halves of peppers, which, when I got in, were still there in actuality as The Daughter is away and The Hubby and The Boy won't cook a vegetable that doesn't come out of a tin. So, here's what I made:
First I chopped the potatoes (there were 8 middle-sized ones, no reason) into cubes and boiled them till they were done. Then I drained them.
I heated some olive oil in my big stainless steel frying pan (because you shouldn't put tomatoey things in your non-sticks, they take the coating off!) and cooked half a chili in it for a while, quite low. Then I added a small chopped onion and 2 chopped cloves of garlic and whooshed it all around for a bit till the onion was nice and soft. Then I added half a bag of quorn pieces, cos that's what I'd got, but you could add chickpeas, or even chicken, if you must. Then I removed the chili half, and put in the peppers and courgettes, chopped. I added maybe 3 or 4 oily sun dried tomatoes (the tomatoey element of which I spoke), chopped up, and a sprinkle of veg stock powder and about half a tsp of smoky paprika, oh, and a sploosh of water. No idea how much, but not a right lot.

After that I did get the big nonstick frying pan out, and I heated some more olive oil and some butter in it, and chucked in the leaves from a couple of stalks of fresh rosemary, then the drained potatoes, and some sea salt. Then I fried them till they were nice and crispy and brown.
Then I chucked the fried potatoes in the pan with the veg and quorn and mixed it around. Me and The Boy had some rinsed capers and a few of the big fat olives in ours, but I didn't put any in The Hubby's as he is a philistine and doesn't like em! Delicious!