Found this photo in the Sunday Times magazine and thought I'd share it. It's by top fashion photographer Patrick Demarchelier and is simply a double page spread entitled 'The New Sexy' (Mr F-P said "since when was it new for this to be sexy?!"). The text next to the photo says: 'Patrick...... has started photographing bigger women. These meltingly beautiful portraits of earthily glamorous girls are fast becoming the new pin ups. Move over, skinnies: times are changing and now more really is more. Here's to the renaissance of flesh and a little bit more to hold on to'. I was disappointed that there was only one photo - I eagerly turned the page hoping for more! I've searched the net and can't find anymore of this collection of protraits, so perhaps they're not published yet. However, Demarchelier has quite famously said that skinny models are ugly naked! Go Patrick. Isn't she just heartbreakingly beautiful? Contrast her with this model..... nuff said!
Thank you Amy for this brilliant reminder! Womanhood should be embraced - we are all unique individuals and our bodies are meant to have flesh and be curvaceous, sexy and feminine. A bag of bones looks (and is!) ill. Janey xx
hi there. found your blog on the beyond chocolate newsletter whih i've just started to get. de-lite-ed to see you're a veggie too and very much looking forward to trying some of your recipes! i am pretty new to beyond chocolate and to vegetarianism and i have to say i am finding vegetarianism a lot easier than the other.... but i LOVE the BC ethos and i'm excited to find blogs like yours. love this picture. the one of the thin model is terrifying. i find myself hoping she's still alive! anyway, thanks!
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