Friday, 23 November 2007

Autumn Hafla 2007

Last Saturday night Boomshanka had their Autumn Halfa, which was totally wicked. Here are a couple of my photos from it.

Here's me, dressed up as a gypsy (I blame that Flake advert from the late 70s with the gypsy girl and the caravan!). I have ALWAYS wanted to do this!!

This is 'Tribal Crue' (the lovely Rosie and Monika) doing their first ever duet dance. They were awesomley good, dancing to Motley Crue (hence the name), which was fun.

Our Leader, the magnificent Ruth!!!

Here's me and my friend Catherine, eating some cake and watching the dancing. The food was wonderful. Everyone brought something with a middle eastern flavour to share. The best spread I'd seen in ages!

I have NOT photoshopped this picture (much!) - I'm always this glowy!!! And unlined!

1 comment:

Kerry said...

Loving your hafla pictures! I'll have to give belly dancing a try again at some point. I only had about ten classes so didn't reach the point of putting moves together into a routine.

Kerry xx