Thursday, 22 May 2008


I WILL finish my account of my trip to Marrakech at some point...... but just not right now.

I've just spent the day at work making up email addresses and dates of birth for 220 pretend people (something to do with training the staff to use the new Library Management System when we get it in a few months). Sound fun? Believe me, it was mind-numbingly tedious! I have also eaten far too much (again - Tuesday was more of the same!). From boredom. And now I've bitten my tongue eating crisps, which serves me right!

I am fatter than I've been in a long time. I don't want to go back to dieting. I love being able to eat nice things. But I don't want to get any fatter either. Just before I ate those crisps I heard myself tell myself (in my head, I'm not that crazy!) that I'd try harder tomorrow! Crapola will I! Tomorrow I have to sit at this desk and probably register 132 of those 220 pretend people - am I going to suddenly be able to take that level of boredom without eating everything within reach? I don't think so!

I'm soooooo tired at the moment too (probably to do with being so fat!). Also been feeling rather sad, with no idea why - it just washes over me in a wave sometimes. I don't want to wake up in the morning, and when I do I don't want to get up, and when I do I don't want to get dressed.

I have an interview on the 3rd of June for a job I really want, and know I can do. It's training the new Library Management System. I already work for the department that does the training. I do the admin. I can do the training too, I know I can. My colleagues know I can. But I still have to go through the 2 hour interview process, with the 2 practical teaching exercises. Because it's equal opportunities! There are 9 candidates!! NINE!! OK, so there are 2 posts, but what if I don't get either of them? I'LL STILL HAVE TO DO THE ADMIN FOR WHATEVER BASTARDS DO!!! I just feel like I really, really can't be bothered to show up for the interview. At least if I pull out now then no-one will be thinking I wasn't good enough to get it. It's just getting through the interview! It's at a much higher level than I'm at now, and there'll be people applied who already work at that level, and they'll know the jargon! It all seems like far too much hard work. Can't be arsed!

Blah blah blah. Miserable sod! Sorry.......